An immersive Fishing script for FiveM RP servers. Includes net fishing, deep sea fishing, net fishing, shore fishing, and much more!
- Net Fishing - Players can attach a net to the back of their boat in an effort to catch fish! Furthermore, server owners can make it so that players need to reach a certain level before net fishing!
- Deep Sea Fishing - Players can take a boat out to the deep ocean and fish! The script can recognize when a player is in deep water! Server owners can even make it so that players need to reach a required level before deep sea fishing!
- Shore Fishing - Players can fish right from the shoreline! This feature is perfect for beginners, allowing players to cast their lines into shallower waters.
- Lake Fishing - Players can head to nearby lakes for a peaceful fishing experience. Lake fishing is an excellent way to catch various fish species without needing a boat.
- Treasure Chests - Players can find treasures that they can open for additional rewards. Treasures must be opened with an Advanced Lockpick (or some other required item set in the config). Rewards are completely configurable.
- Fishing Store - The Fishing Store offers players the opportunity to purchase essential gear, bait, and specialized equipment for various fishing types. Server owners can customize store items.
- Sell Fish - Players can sell their catches for in-game currency, allowing them to earn rewards based on the type and rarity of fish. Server owners can set custom pricing and add unique rewards for fish sales.
- Boat Anchor - Players can drop anchor to secure their boats in place while fishing. This feature helps stabilize the boat for a smoother fishing experience in deep waters.
- Discord Integration - Provides options for logging fishing activities and events to a Discord server for monitoring and record-keeping purposes.
Approximate Lines: 2,000+
Languages: English
- QB-Core / QBOX
- ox_lib
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